During a roof replacement, the installation crew will handle all the heavy lifting. However, you will be in charge of readying your home for the project. On average, the job takes one week to finish; and with ample preparation, you can help prevent unfortunate incidents from day one.

6 Tips to Prepare Your Home for Roof Replacement

Today, Perfect Exteriors shares practical tips to prepare your home for asphalt shingles or metal roofing panels roof replacement:

1. Get Rid of Obstructions

Remove anything that can slow down the installation crew. Pieces of patio furniture, even your vehicle, can clutter the job site, hindering workers from moving safely and efficiently.

If you have a satellite dish, call your TV provider to relocate it outside the job site beforehand. Don’t move it yourself; in addition to putting your health in jeopardy, you might lose your programming if it wasn’t set up right.

2. Give Installers Their Space

Give the installation crew convenient parking space to help speed up the replacement process. Imagine how much time and energy they can conserve by not walking long distances when fetching supplies. Also, provide workers a dedicated bathroom they can use so they can feel at home and feel extra motivated.

3. Take Down Decorations

Experienced providers of roofing services will advise you to remove decorations hanging from your walls and ceilings as much as possible. From ordinary knick-knacks to expensive ornaments, keep everything from falling because of the vibrations from equipment.

4. Construction-Proof Attic Items

Whether you have a furnished or unfinished attic, protect the items in it from dust and debris. Unless you don’t mind the mess, cover them with old sheets to make cleaning a breeze.

5. Identify Power Outlets

Asphalt shingle and metal roofing installers need access to power outlets. Identify the nearest ones prior to actual construction so things will go smoothly on installation day.

6. Think About No-Go Zones

To keep your kids and pets safe, determine which areas would be off limits. It’s best to stay away from the entire yard until the project is completed to steer clear of fallen nails. Better yet, consider staying somewhere else to spare your loved ones the inconveniences associated with the project.

Plan your roof replacement to perfection with Perfect Exteriors. Call us at (763) 298-2911 to schedule your free, no-obligation inspection and estimate, and let’s get your project started. We serve property owners in Minneapolis, MN, and other nearby areas.