Sometimes, residential roofing services just can’t wait. If you’re dealing with a leaky roof thanks to storm damage, for example, when to call an exterior contractor is the last thing on your mind—because you’ve already decided, and that time is now!

However, if you’ve been kicking around the idea of hiring a home exterior contractor for a while now, you might wonder when the best time is to ask for their services—and when the best time is to schedule them. While all roofing companies are individuals, Perfect Exteriors, Monticello GAF certified installers, is here with a few general tips.
When to Call for Residential Roofing Services
The short answer: any time! Responsible roofing pros will predict their busy seasons and have found ways to circumnavigate them. If communication is spotty between you and your chosen roofing pro, it’s not your fault; perhaps you just need to find another roofing contractor who’s more on top of things.
That being said, if you’re wondering about busy seasons: late summer to early fall is usually the most client-filled time of year for roofing contractors. It’s no longer blazing hot during the day, and summer storm season has subsided, yet it’s still warm enough to keep snow out of the forecast. These are the times wherein getting a hold of a roofing contractor might take a little longer.
When’s the Best Time to Put a Roof On?
Again, it’s late summer to early fall. It is the busiest time of year for roofers for many reasons, a few of which we’ve just listed above; work can be completed easily in the mild temperatures, for example, and thus installations tend to go more quickly.
However, it’s also a great time to get a roof put on your home due to where the seasons fall in the scope of the year. Now that summer’s almost over, for example, a new roof automatically takes care of any resulting storm damage. You’ll also want to get a roof on your home before winter hits, because, well—brr!
The Worst Time to Put a Roof On
You guessed it: winter. From snow and ice creating safety hazards to frigid temperatures compromising the integrity of some materials, this season makes things complicated in a variety of ways. Roofing can be done in winter in emergencies, but the work is likely to take longer than it would in other seasons simply because contractors must take extra precautions to stay safe.
Perfect Exteriors: Here for You in All Seasons
We’re your one-stop shop for everything exterior contractor. No matter the time of year, you can count on our care and expertise being a phone call away. Contact our Monticello office today at 763-271-8700.